
The Ingenio Taboga property is traversed by the vast Bebedero River, allowing for freshwater irrigation and sustainable management of the area. The Bebedero river is key to the development of the sugar mill and the adjacent town and its people. In addition, its natural beauty provides an incomparable landscape with a unique and surprising landscape. The location and conditions of the Bebedero river were key in the creation of the Taboga Mill, and it is a natural treasure that must be preserved for future generations.

100 years of history

Julio Sánchez Lépiz transformed his ideals into progress, and all his priorities were directed to the fundamental values ​​of social justice. He maintained his vision of equality even when part of this property was illegally occupied by farmers. For him, the land must belong to whoever can cultivate it, and not necessarily to the owner. "Let's not fight against those who, despite not having property title, wish to cultivate abandoned lands ... I own many, but I am convinced that no more land is needed than the plot in which it will be buried" Julio Sánchez, 1930. The visionary philosophy followed by his family has evolved into the Farm-to-Table company that is now Taboga Sugar Mill.


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